IDC 2016 - Diamond got Exc in the working class.
Landesgruppensiegerschau Niedersachsen 2016 - Diamond got Exc1 and the title Landesgruppensieger Niedersachsen 2016 and still the BOB.
CAC Hamburg 2015 - Diamond got Exc1 in the honorary class.
European Dobermann Trophy Winner Show Graz 2015 - Diamond got the title European Dobermann Trophy Honorary Winner 2015 in the honorary class.
Diamond passed the IPO 1.
CACIB Hannover 2014 - Diamond got Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in the champion class.
CAC Hamburg 2014 - Diamond got Exc1, CAC, Schönster Rüde in the champion class.
CWC Zielona Góra 2014 - Diamond got Exc1, CWC in the open class. He is Polish Champion now.
IDC 2014 in Slovakia - Diamond got Exc1 in the open class.
CAC Treuenbrietzen 2014 - Diamond got Exc1, CAC in the open class.
Diamond - stand pictures
Diamond - head pictures
Diamond - sit pictures
Diamond l